Net Impact Atlanta (NIA) is a professional chapter of Net Impact, which mobilizes students and professionals to drive positive social and environmental change in their workplaces and in the world. The chapter addresses topics such as CSR (corporate social responsibility), ESG (environmental, social, and governance) reporting, sustainability, volunteerism, impact investing, innovation, and more.

NIA is led by a volunteer leadership team and comprised of professionals who are dedicated to creating positive change in the Atlanta region and beyond. 

Our goal is to facilitate professional development, cross-industry knowledge-sharing, networking opportunities, and educational opportunities among professionals and students from diverse backgrounds to leverage their collective expertise and foster positive social and environmental impact.

The chapter:

    • Offers events to connect and showcase existing activities throughout the Atlanta region.
    • Provides opportunities to learn topic areas relevant to impact careers.
    • Expands awareness and fosters networking through webinars and in-person events.
Photo credit: Mmann1988